Mickyfit Training

We're about 'functional strength' and 'performance training'. Getting you moving efficiently and effectively to be the best you can be.

We have a strong focus on technique and maximising your performance for great results without injury.

We are kettlebell specialists and incorporate these ancient Russian training tools to get you the results you want quickly and efficiently.

Our group training is a great way to train in a way you never would at a gym. A group environment helps to challenge and give you a cost effective way of training hard.

If a group isn't for you, Mickyfit can devise a specific program to suit your needs whether that be strength and conditioning, high intensity training, corrective exercise, sports specific training or weight loss.


Tuesday: 6.30pm cross training circuit

Wednesday: 5:30pm Special Ops Training (advanced, for those who like it hard!)
Wednesday: 6:30pm Kettlebells (An entire full body workout using kettlebells)

Thursday: 6:30pm Boxing

Saturday: 9:00am Mickyfit 20/10 (High intensity circuit training using the tabata training system)

Casual session $20. $150 for a 10 pack
